Alzheimer’s Disease: We are all in it together


Proving that Alzheimer’s is a disease that concerns and affects many, nearly 2,000 individuals registered for the Banner Health Foundation’s most recent At Home Together virtual presentation, Advances in Alzheimer’s Treatments: Updates from the International Stage – while hundreds more continue to view the recording online.

The live one-hour broadcast sought to explain the newest and most important advances in research, prevention and testing.

Sponsored by the Banner Alzheimer's Foundation, the live one-hour broadcast sought to explain the newest and most important advances in research, prevention and testing. Speakers included Dr. Eric Reiman, CEO for Banner Research and Executive Director of the Banner Alzheimer's Institute; Dr. Jessica Langbaum, Director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative; and Dr. Alireza Atri, Director of the Banner Sun Health Research Institute.

“Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease and the most feared medical condition in older adults,” Dr. Reiman says. “Everyone is interested in finding preventative measures. When it comes to fighting Alzheimer’s disease, we’re all in it together.”

The good news is that the needle is moving in the right direction, with innovations funded by philanthropic investment. Major progress is being seen in areas such as genetics and risk factors for the disease, blood biomarkers (early warning systems for your health), and new disease-modifying drugs that can impact the underlying disease process.

“This is a really big deal,” says Mi-Ai Parrish, President & CEO, MAP Strategies Group, and a Banner Health Foundation Board member. “And, philanthropy is directly helping to keep this aggressive timeline moving forward.”

Here at home, Arizona is now a destination state for Alzheimer’s treatment, prevention, and clinical trials. “We are being seen all around the world for the work we do,” Parrish says of Banner Alzheimer’s Institute and its renowned clinicians and researchers.

Asked what she attributes the robust turnout for the virtual presentation, Dr. Langbaum explained, “Alzheimer’s touches nearly everybody in some form.” And this is why we are truly all in it together.

Here are several ways you can get involved in the fight to end Alzheimer’s:

  • Register as a research volunteer with Banner Alzheimer's Institute.
  • Help us in our effort to find an effective prevention therapy. Philanthropic contributions power our research, and we invite you to join in this effort.

To make a philanthropic gift, including gifts to honor a loved one who has lost the battle with Alzheimer’s, simply visit the link below. To discuss gifts of non-cash assets such as appreciated stock, life insurance, retirement fund assets, real estate or business interests, please contact Kristie Leshinskie, Chief Development Officer, at 480.215.7433.


If you missed the live presentation on Sept. 11, you can still watch and share: