Walking with each other through the journey of Alzheimer’s


In Native American communities, music is an integral part of important ceremonies, celebrations, and traditions. Music is also a tool that can connect, soothe, motivate, distract, and bring joy to people living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia.

Grammy-nominated recording artist, Aaron White, Heather Mulder, and music therapist Weisai Sun who facilitated the music sessions during the Annual Conference on Native Americans and Alzheimer’s Disease.

Walk With Me was the theme of the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute’s 16th Annual Conference on Native Americans and Alzheimer’s Disease in October 2022, in partnership with Arizona Tribal communities and Native American health and human service organizations.

Music served as the centerpiece of the conference, exploring how to use it effectively to increase quality of life for both the person living with memory loss and care partners. Banner Alzheimer’s Institute, Canyon Records and Sunshine Music Therapy partnered to create, and launch Walk With Me – a music CD featuring various Native American artists, while training participants about how to use it to maximize benefit with families.

“From learning the science behind music and the brain, to reflecting on personally meaningful songs for a playlist, to power poses, this year’s conference offered a unique opportunity for attendees to actually experience some of the vast benefits music can provide to both the person and the care partner,” says Heather Mulder of BAI.

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