At Home Together is a virtual series that brings Banner Health’s leading experts straight to you, engaging participants in topics that include groundbreaking research, treatments for complex diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s, and hope for healthy communities throughout Arizona.
On Sept. 18, Banner Health Foundation presented an online presentation and discussion featuring renowned and respected innovators in the field of Alzheimer's. With nearly 2,000 attendees watching the live event and hundreds more viewing it online afterward, it is clear that interest in advancing Alzheimer’s treatments and finding a cure is important to so many people.
Eric Reiman, MD
CEO, Banner Research & Executive Director,
Banner Alzheimer's Institute
Jessica Langbaum, PhD
Senior Director, Research Strategy
Banner Alzheimer's Institute
Alireza Atri, MD, PhD
Banner Sun Health Research Institute
Moderated by:
Mi-Ai Parrish
President & CEO, MAP Strategies Group
Click Here to view past events.